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EN Penitenzieria della chiesa San Francesco (TV), presentazione progetto
E’ stato presentato il progetto della nuova Cappella della Riconciliazione della chiesa di San Francesco, a Treviso (in collaborazione con lo scultore Flavio Senoner, LA Nova Sas e Nuova Alleanza Cooperativa Restauri). L’intervento prevede il restauro dei paramenti murari e degli affreschi delle cappelle più antiche del complesso religioso, la r
Convent of San Francesco in Treviso, New spaces for hospitality
A small sign of coherence and charity. 593 Studio, on the initiative of the Friars Minor Conventual of Treviso, brought together a team of companies that will finance, with works and in cash, the redevelopment of a reception space, a small apartment located in the context protected by the convent of San Francesco, a place […]
Social Housing Ater Vicenza, Consegna lavori
Si conclude il cantiere denominato Villaggio Bioecologico di Magrè, realizzato da Ater Vicenza sulla base concept architettonico e bioclimatico di 593 Studio. Il progetto approvato nel 2019 è stato realizzato attraverso una costante sinergia tra Ater e team di progettazione implementando soluzioni distributive, compositive e tecnologiche volte a garantire
593 Studio, Inauguration of the new headquarter
593 Studio’s new home is one year old! There have been 365 intense and frenetic days in which we have completed a path of evolution that has affected our team, the spaces in which we work, the relationships with the network of collaborators through which we share our daily work, so… now it is time […]
593 Studio & Telebit SPA @ Amsterdam
The first stage of an exciting project for our entire team. Sometimes we meet clients with whom we immediately create a special alchemy, a balance where trust is reciprocal and we start working together, as we should always do , from the construction of a common base of knowledge, in which different skills, sensations, tastes, […]