house redevelopment
The project at 64 Via Roma is intended to stand as evidence of a possible approach: essential, welcoming, radical. The volumes that make up the pre-existence from which the project develops consist of two buildings articulated and interlinked in a building system that has gradually stratified over time from the late 1700s to the current configuration that can be traced back to the late 1950s. The bordering buildings to the east and west have been affected by interventions that have radically changed both their architectural appearance and their volumetric impact, relegating the building in question to an interstitial, leftover position. Precisely because of this condition, however, as well as because of an ownership continuity that has lasted for a century, the building bodies that make up the project have maintained a substantially intact site and proportions, albeit with modifications datable between the two wars, such as to make them a still readable fragment of a minor building that has almost completely disappeared.
With this in mind, the project at 64 Via Roma has developed a single-family residence that pursues the enhancement of this fragment, gathering the commitment of a place that needs first of all to be inhabited and used with an attitude of care and respect for what time has brought and in part preserved, until today. The project seeks to interpret an urbanistic, architectural and functional reading of the existing building according to the following principles:
• Retention of the overall volumetric identity of the building, preserving its morphological and typological characters with few and slight interventions that do not change the overall layout of the building,
• Interpretation of the south elevation as a constituent part, as well as a residual trace, of an urban front, characterizing the historical center of Vedelago. Interpretation of the north façade as an elevation towards the countryside that is extremely more disjointed in its silhouettes and volumes than the south façade and overlooks a system of green spaces that preserves the ancient proprietary traces of the once agricultural land that developed north of Via Roma.
• An overall sustainability of the intervention in all its components, seeking to achieve a balanced final outcome capable of combining a renewed functionality of the internal distributive with high energy savings that can reduce the running costs of the building, increase its degree of comfort and ensure high durability,
• The possibility of offering a flexible functional solution, adaptable to the needs of a family even in the perspective of family growth or future needs for intergenerational cohabitation,
• Use of technical, technological and material solutions consistent with the materials that constitute the building, combining exposed concrete developed on textures of various types, metal, natural mortars and exposed masonry in a contemporary overall framework that does not deny the traces of time but enhances them.
2015 – 2018
Residential building
Private client
593 Studio